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A miracle at the women's breakfast

Rosina Ruopp
“She doesn't say much, but all she knows is, her actions are such that the words she speaks achieve their goal”.

In the last women's gathering in Talmesh we talked about Naaman's wife's maid. What a testimony. Faith in God protects them from bitterness. She tells her master about God's ability to heal. This really moved me and encouraged me that I can be a witness wherever I am. Especially in my service as a community nurse, I come to different houses. I provide support ranging from replacing blood pressure device batteries, foot care, finding and sorting important documents to getting potatoes for the winter. Recently I was with a woman looking for a nice dress for her own funeral. But sometimes I just listen. Every time I come in and am happily welcomed. It's good for me to see that Jesus is in me (I tell myself that every morning) and walks with me. I sense that the lonely, those in need of help, and those who are sick are particularly happy to have a visit.

I recently got a call from a woman who asked me to come over and talk. She had received some not-so-good news and wanted to share it with someone. Finally, she really wanted us to pray together. These are very valuable moments when I pray with people, talk, provide help and read something together. Then I realize that I can be a witness.

In Talmesch we have been praying with Mrs. B. for a long time for her grandson, who has already caused her a lot of hardship due to his addiction problems. The other day, with tears in her eyes, she thanked us for our prayers. He is doing well and is now at the Blue Cross where he is making progress towards self-employment. She really enjoys coming to women's gatherings and is very open to reading the Bible.


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